Elixir 011-052 Polyweb Coating Bronz Akustik Gitar Teli
Stok Kodu
750,82 TL
77,30 TL'den Başlayan taksitler ile..
- Acoustic guitar strings constructed with 80/20 (80% copper, 20% zinc) bronze wrap wire
- Played for a warm and robust tone that sounds "played-in” but still retains a remarkably clear mid-range presence
- Original POLYWEB Coating provides a soft, smooth feel that keeps the strings from getting in the way of playing
- Our patented coating technology protects against common corrosion, extending tone life longer than any other brand’s coated or uncoated strings (Elixir
Strings player survey) - Custom Light gauge: .011 .015 .022 .032 .042 .052
Elixir Polyweb, markanın ürettiği ilk kaplamalı tel serisiymiş. Çalarken dokunuşlarda doğallık hissini vermesi için sonradan Nanoweb serisi üretilmiş.